Patient Resources

Burn Survivor Sunday
A burn is the most traumatic injury a person can experience. It leaves an indelible mark upon survivors physically and emotionally, regardless of the extent of the injury or the circumstances around it. The people, stories and events leading up to an injury may be different but all who have been burned share a commonality — you are burn survivors. Burn survivors who attended included those with traumatic thermal, chemical, electrical, and inhalation injuries. Burn Survivor Sunday is our chance to recognize the extraordinary individuals whose lives have been affected by burn injuries, or have overcome their injuries, or are continuing on their journey to recovery. It is a day for survivors and their loved ones to celebrate life in a spirit of togetherness with other survivors and with those who have helped along the way.
Burn Camp
The Central Virginia Burn Camp in Charlottesville provides a fun, safe and exciting summer camp for young burn survivors, designed to meet their social, physical and psychological needs. The free camp is for children ages 7 to 17 and is staffed by firefighters, occupational therapists, nurses and adult burn survivors.
(Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery) is a program initiated by the Phoenix Society that was developed to provide a structured volunteer peer support program for survivors that can be implemented easily by hospital staff. After recovering from a burn injury many survivors look for ways to give something back to the caregivers at the hospital who have given so much to them. They also want to help new survivors. The program is designed to enable medical centers to create a pool of motivated and trained volunteers with a minimum expenditure of staff recourses.