Movement Disorders Program
Deep Brain Stimulation
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)
An explosion of technological advances has made newer and more sophisticated treatments available to patients with a variety of neurological diseases. The Elder Care and Movement Disorders Program provides a common area where participants can focus their efforts on the treatment of patients with diseases using new technologies for neuromodulation. There are no other programs in the region which address such a wide variety of clinical problems.
The Department of Neurosurgery at VCU offers new technologies and opportunities for patients through Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and other tremor disorders. Dr. Kathryn Holloway, a faculty member who trained as a neurosurgical resident at VCU, was part of the team that developed a new frameless approach to DBS.
Drs. Young and his research partner, Anthony Marmarou, Ph.D., have built an international reputation for the diagnosis and treatment of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH). This disorder has historically been misdiagnosed as Alzheimers. Once treated appropriately, patients who suffer from NPH make dramatic recoveries and are transformed from a world of dementia and difficulty with daily activity back to a normal and vibrant existence. Drs. Young and Marmarou's work in the area of NPH has resulted in the current standard of care for this diagnosis.
Physicians and research faculty
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Harold F. Young, M.D.
Parkinson's, Dystonia, Torticollis, Tremor
Kathryn Holloway, M.D.